I have a array of objects with property of id and size. Sum of objects size equals to 78 and I want to split this objects by three array. But I want to split possibly equal sum of size (~ 78/3 +-).
I have a this array of objects,
{'id': '1', 'size': '10'},
{'id': '2', 'size': '4'},
{'id': '3', 'size': '6'},
{'id': '4', 'size': '21'},
{'id': '5', 'size': '2'},
{'id': '6', 'size': '1'},
{'id': '7', 'size': '6'},
{'id': '8', 'size': '7'},
{'id': '9', 'size': '8'},
{'id': '1', 'size': '13'}
And I want
{'id': '4', 'size': '21'},
{'id': '2', 'size': '4'},
{'id': '6', 'size': '1'},
{'id': '1', 'size': '13'},
{'id': '1', 'size': '10'},
{'id': '5', 'size': '2'},
{'id': '3', 'size': '6'},
{'id': '9', 'size': '8'},
{'id': '7', 'size': '6'},
{'id': '8', 'size': '7'},
This is an NP-complete problem so there is more then one solution. One approach I thought of is putting the bigger items first and then putting the smaller items where you have more space.
let items = [
{'id': '1', 'size': 10},
{'id': '2', 'size': 4},
{'id': '3', 'size': 6},
{'id': '4', 'size': 21},
{'id': '5', 'size': 2},
{'id': '6', 'size': 1},
{'id': '7', 'size': 6},
{'id': '8', 'size': 7},
{'id': '9', 'size': 8},
{'id': '1', 'size': 13}
//sort the array by size in reverse order
items.sort((a, b)=> b.size - a.size);
//array of sums
let sums = [0,0,0];
//final array of 3 arrays
let arrays = [[],[],[]];
for (let item of items) {
//get index of the smallest sum
let index = sums.indexOf(Math.min.apply(null,sums));
//add current item size to corresponding sum
sums[index] += item.size;
//add item to corresponding array