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Boilerplate Javascript scripts/plugins?

I've been really enjoying getting into Paul Irish's HTML5 Boilerplate which gives best practices for html5, javascript, css and even server side stuff with the likes of a boilerplate .htaccess file. However, the Javascript file that comes is empty- for us developers to put in what we like.

I am wondering what Javascript plugins and scripts developers tend to use across all their sites? I want to create a boilerplate site that I start off with when I start building a new site. I tend to use JQuery, so scripts and plugins that use that would be useful.

Ideas that I have would be:

  • swfobject
  • jPlayer? (for sites that have video and audio) Not sure about this one
  • The Fade Anything Technique
  • A clear inputs script (clear any inputs when clicked)
  • externalLink script (open in new tab/window when class=externalLink)
  • Break out of frame script

The above aren't particularly good examples, but that's why I am asking the question!


  • underscore.js. yepnope.js.

    With the latter, it would be good if you used this to conditionally load plugins. Also it could be an idea to use module patterns for this boilerplate, possibly keep it namespaced.