I'm trying to dynamically retrieve all rows where a status = [Dynamically chosen value] from a drop down list.
=query(IMPORTRANGE("https://example.com", "Tracker!A1:V"), "select * where Col7 = 'B1' ")
Here is an example where you can see what I'm trying to do (Status is A1, and A2 is the formula grabbing all rows from another sheet)
If I select the "A1" in the formula is brings up "In Progress" so it appears to be referencing the correct value, but it doesnt work unless I explicitly write the status into the formula as a text object..
to use cell references, you have to escape them using '"&cell&"'
QUERY(IMPORTRANGE("your_url","your_sheet!your_range"),"Select * where Col7 = '"&A1&"'",0))