The implementation of the Karatsuba algorithm, the method only counts the small numbers true, but the big answer is not correct, what's the problem?
var x = "1685287499328328297814655639278583667919355849391453456921116729";
var y = "7114192848577754587969744626558571536728983167954552999895348492";
function karatsuba(x, y) {
if (x.length < 2 && y.length < 2) {
return BigInt(parseInt(x) * parseInt(y));
var m = Math.min(x.length, y.length);
var m2 = m / 2;
var a = BigInt(x.substring(0, m2));
var b = BigInt(x.substring(m2));
var c = BigInt(y.substring(0, m2));
var d = BigInt(y.substring(m2));
var ac = a * c;
var bd = b * d;
var sum = (a + b) * (c + d) - ac - bd;
return BigInt(Math.pow(10, m)) * ac + BigInt(Math.pow(10, m2)) * sum + bd;
console.log(karatsuba(x, y));
Invoking Math.pow
is very suspicious. According to documentation, it
Returns an implementation-dependent approximation to the result of raising x to the power y.
You don't want any approximations in Karatzuba.