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Sending a STOMP frame through websocket

Since there's no webstomp (STOMP through Websocket) C++ implementation anywhere, I'm developing my own. I have a webstomp server set up already, and I've confirmed that it works using the javascript implementation of webstomp.

Now I'm relying on QT's implementation of websocket. I tested and works with a regular websocket. So now comes the implementation of STOMP. Looking at the STOMP frames the first frame I have to send could be something like this:

login: <username>
passcode: <passcode>


With ^@being the null-character. The problem I'm having is that no matter what I do, I can't seem to get any type of response from the server. I tried different encodings, different messages, different connect frames, etc. I was wondering if I was doing something wrong or if I was missing something. An example of the above frame looks like this:

void WebSTOMP::onConnected()
    if (m_debug)
        qDebug() << "WebSocket connected";
    connect(&m_webSocket, &QWebSocket::textMessageReceived,
            this, &EchoClient::onTextMessageReceived);
    std::string myMessage = "CONNECT \nlogin: test\npasscode : test\n\n\0";


And then I never get a response back.

Thanks in advance =)


  • Add one to the length of the message due to the string's null character terminator