I'm working on an app to track my expenses with javascript, nodejs , express and as templating engine handelbars.
So I have a div "list" which contains all expenses. ( i have an add button next to the div list, not visible on the pic)
Everytime a I add an expense , I add the div "obj" with a delete button ,a "B" button and some information about the expense.
here is the code in my html:
<div class="list">
{{#each expArr}}
<div id="obj" class="obj">
<form action="/removetodo" method="POST" >
<button class="btn2">X</button>
<button onclick="openNav()" class="btn">B</button>
<a>{{date}}</a> <n>{{name}}</n> <a>{{value}} </a>
Now, my backend is runnning on a NodeJS server with express.
here is my index.js file :
var express = require('express');
var router = express.Router();
var expArr = [];
router.get('/', function(req, res, next) {
res.render('index' , {expArr: expArr} );
router.post('/addtodo', function (req, res, next) {
var exp = new Object();
exp.name = req.body.name;
exp.value = req.body.val;
exp.date = req.body.date;
exp.description = req.body.descr;
router.post('/removetodo', function (req, res, next) {
module.exports = router;
In addtodo I simply adding all the informtion to an array on the server (later I will add a database).
Now my question:
The delete button on every expense should delete the right expense. In other words, I want ,by clicking the delete button , that the right entry in the array on the server deletes.
How do I do that?
you're storing everything in memory, taking that for granted, you can start by using a plain object rather then an array to store your data
expArr = {}
and then add a unique identifier like a hash or a date in ms for each instance
var exp = new Object();
exp.id = new Date().getUTCMilliseconds();
exp.name = req.body.name;
exp.value = req.body.val;
exp.date = req.body.date;
exp.description = req.body.descr;
expArr[exp.id] = exp;
now be sure to pass from the client the right id when you want to remove an expense
router.post('/removetodo', function (req, res, next) {
if(expArr[req.body.id]) {
delete expArr[req.body.id];