I have the following JSON data :
"data": [
{"date": "2018-08-22","value": 1},
{"date": "2018-08-30","value": 2},
{"date": "2018-09-01","value": 3},
{"date": "2018-09-22","value": 3},
{"date": "2018-09-28","value": 4},
{"date": "2018-10-18","value": 5},
{"date": "2018-10-23","value": 6}
I would like to use JQ to group data per month starting at the first value : My month would be :
2018 08 22 to 2018 09 21
2018 09 22 to 2018 10 21
2018 10 22 to 2018 11 21
My expected output is the following :
"data": [
{"month": "2018-08-22 to 2018-09-21","sum": 6},
{"month": "2018-09-22 to 2018-10-21","sum": 12},
{"month": "2018-10-23 to 2018-11-21","sum": 6}
How can I do that ?
A solution is easily obtained with the following helper function:
# $day should be the day (an integer) that defines the cutoff point;
# input should be a Y-M-D string
def bucket($day):
def prev: if .m > 1 then .m -= 1 else .m = 12 | .y -= 1 end;
def fmt: if .m <= 9 then "\(.y)-0\(.m)" else "\(.y)-\(.m)" end;
| map_values(tonumber)
| if .d >= $day then . else prev end
| fmt ;
We now compute the bucket-count pairs:
| (.[0].date | capture("(?<d>[0-9]+)$") | .d | tonumber) as $day
| reduce .[] as $pair ({};
.[$pair.date | bucket($day)] += ($pair.value) )
With the sample data, this produces:
"2018-08": 6,
"2018-09": 12,
"2018-10": 6
It is now a trivial matter to convert this into the desired format, and is thus left as an exercise.