Compiling some test code in avr-gcc
for an 8-bit micro-controller, the line
const uint32_t N = 65537;
uint8_t values[N];
I got the following compilation warning (by default should be an error, really)
warning: conversion from 'long unsigned int' to 'unsigned int' changes value from '65537' to '1' [-Woverflow]
uint8_t values[N];
Note that when compiling for this target, sizeof(int)
is 2.
So it seems that, at an array size cannot exceed the size of an unsigned int
Am I correct? Is this GCC-specific or is it part of some C or C++ standard?
Before somebody remarks that an 8-bit microcontroller generally does not have enough memory for an array so large, let me just anticipate saying that this is beside the point.
is considered as the type to use, despite not being formally ratified by either the C or C++ standards.
The rationale for this is that the sizeof(values)
will be that type (that is mandatated by the C and C++ standards), and the number of elements will be necessarily not greater than this since sizeof
for an object is at least 1.