Here's my version.
$ ember -v
ember-cli: 3.1.4
node: 8.10.0
os: linux x64
I am trying to do a search using the ids from a has many relationship. There is a Promise, but I can't figure out where to wait for it.
const user = this.get('user');
return user.get('accounts').then((accounts) => {
console.log(accounts); // Class {canonicalState: Array(0), store: Class, relationship: ManyRelationship, type: ƒ, record: InternalModel, …}
console.log(accounts.isLoaded); // true
console.log(accounts.length); // 0
const ids = accounts.mapBy('id');
console.log(ids); // <-- Why is this empty?
return'order', { filter: { accounts: ids } });
This also doesn't work as expected.
const user = this.get('user');
const accountsRef = user.hasMany('accounts'); // HasManyReference {store: Class, internalModel: InternalModel, hasManyRelationship: ManyRelationship, type: "account", parent: RecordReference}
const ids = accountsRef.ids(); // []
And this fails in the same way.
const user = this.get('user');
const promise = new RSVP.Promise((resolve, reject) => {
return user.get('accounts').then((accounts) => {
return promise.then((data) => {
console.log(data); // // Class {canonicalState: Array(0), store: Class, relationship: ManyRelationship, type: ƒ, record: InternalModel, …}
const ids = accounts.mapBy('id');
console.log(ids); // []
The has many relationship on User is defined as accounts: DS.hasMany('account')
and the deserializer uses records
This works in the Handlebar template, and produces the list of IDs I am interested in.
{{#each user.accounts as |account|}}
{{}} - {{}}
What is happening between the model hook and the template rendering? Where else do I need to look to troubleshoot?
The problem was not Ember or Ember Data. My API was not responding with embedded records OR the association's id. Check that your API matches the specification.