since i am new at Junit 5 and i read that they are seperate the jars now in Junit 5, so what i need to attach?
i was looking at the maven repository and i found there much dependencies for junit 5 and i do not know what i should include for runing Junit 4 tests in Junit 5, and what is seperatly for Junit 5 alone?
i have no code yet but needs only the dependencies to understand what i need to download
also what the surefire does for all of these?
update - so surefire is for search for the missing dependencies, what are does for?
Question: what the surefire does for all of these?
If in POM.xml your dependencies are not well mentioned then Surefire detects which JUnit version to use.
Surefire supports 3 different generations of JUnit: JUnit 3.8.x, JUnit 4.x (serial provider) and JUnit 4.7 (junit-core provider with parallel support)
The algorithm works something like this:
if the JUnit 5 Platform Engine is present in the project
use junit-platform
if the JUnit version in the project >= 4.7 and the <<<parallel>>> configuration parameter has ANY value
use junit47 provider
if JUnit >= 4.0 is present
use junit4 provider
use junit3.8.1
Edit: Dependencies required for Junit 5: ref1 , ref2