I'm trying to improve some code by using infix :
Working code (but kinda ugly...) :
fun test (possibleEmptyString: String?, anotherPossibleEmptyString : String?): String {
var test: String? = possibleEmptyString
// If null or empty
if(test!=null && !"".equals(test)) {
test = anotherPossibleEmptyString
// If null or empty
if(test!=null && !"".equals(test)) {
test = "a known string"
return test!!
I want to improve readability like this :
fun test (possibleEmptyString: String?, anotherPossibleEmptyString : String?): String {
return (possibleEmptyString orIfNullOrEmpty anotherPossibleEmptyString orIfNullOrEmpty "a known string")!!
infix fun String?.orIfNullOrEmpty(other: String?): String? {
if (this != null && !"".equals(this)) {
return this
return other
It works but i think it can be improve
It can be simplified like this:
infix fun String?.orIfNullOrEmpty(other: String?) =
takeUnless { it.isNullOrBlank() } ?: other
You take this
(takeUnless { }
can directly be invoked on this
in this case, because extension) if it is not null or blank and other
Note that Kotlin already has extensions for isNullOrBlank
and similar.