after importing these:
import '@polymer/paper-dropdown-menu/paper-dropdown-menu.js';
import '@polymer/paper-listbox/paper-listbox.js';
import '@polymer/paper-item/paper-item.js';
The dropdown does not produce an error when left alone but when clicked on (will repeat on multiple clicks) it will produce it.
Uncaught ReferenceError: KeyframeEffect is not defined
at HTMLElement.configure (fade-in-animation.js:32)
at HTMLElement._configureAnimations (neon-animation-runner-behavior.js:42)
at HTMLElement.playAnimation (neon-animation-runner-behavior.js:122)
at HTMLElement._renderOpened (iron-dropdown.js:200)
at HTMLElement.__openedChanged (iron-overlay-behavior.js:608)
at HTMLElement.nextAnimationFrame (iron-overlay-behavior.js:634)
Here is the code I am trying to get working:
<paper-dropdown-menu label="Dinosaurs">
<paper-listbox slot="dropdown-content" selected="1">
I have tried importing neon-animations.js, neon-animation.js and neon-animated-behavior.js. Looking at similar issues from other questions their solutions are to import web-animations into their html file but my code is in a js file so that would not work.
as a note I am not using bower or meteor.
You need to install the neon-animation element. Do this:
npm install --save @polymer/neon-animation
This will add the neon-animation dependency in your package.json and install it as well. Add the web-animations-js polyfill:
npm install --save web-animations-js
Once you are done installing these two. In the view which is responsible for the dropdown. Add the following code:
import {NeonAnimationRunnerBehavior} from '@polymer/neon-animation/neon-animation-runner-behavior.js';
you will have to use the mixinbehavior so add this as an import:
import {mixinBehaviors} from '@polymer/polymer/lib/legacy/class.js';
Now say the name of the class is MyView1 where you are rendering this dropdown do this:
class MyView1 extends mixinBehaviors([NeonAnimationRunnerBehavior], PolymerElement) {
Now we need to add the polyfill web-animations-js to the index.html just after the web-components-loader:
<script src="node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-loader.js"></script>
<script src="node_modules/web-animations-js/web-animations-next.min.js"></script>
This will definitely work!