I have a user who sends eMails
to a large "To" list, Sometimes over 20 addresses. With this large a "To"
list, the received mail sometimes ends up on the recipient's SPAM folder. Obviously, we'd like to avoid this.
My idea is to have the user create an original eMail
and then run a Macro. The Macro would loop through all the eMail
addresses in an Excel worksheet and then copy the original message and send it to each recipient individually.
I'm unsure as to how to copy a MailItem
from the original to a new MailItem
. The Excel looping works fine.
Here's my abbreviated macro:
Option Explicit
Sub Send_emails()
Set objDoc = objInspector.WordEditor
Set objWrdApp = objDoc.Application
Set objSelection = objWrdApp.Selection
'Loop through the Rows in the worksheet. Start at row 2 to ignore header
For lngCurrSheetRow = 2 To lngLastSheetRow
strEmailAddress = objWorksheet.Cells(lngCurrSheetRow, 1).Value
'Set objNewMail so that the new message is created and can be referenced.
Set objNewMail = Application.CreateItem(0)
With objNewMail
.Body = objSelection
.To = strEmailAddress
End With
Next lngCurrSheetRow
End Sub
To copy mailitem.body Example would be
Option Explicit
Sub Send_emails()
Dim olMsg As Outlook.MailItem
Set olMsg = ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
Dim objNewMail As Outlook.MailItem
Set objNewMail = Application.CreateItem(0)
With objNewMail
.Body = olMsg.Body
End With
End Sub
For HTML Body simply do HTMLBody = olMsg.HTMLBody