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Core 2.1 APIVersioning Action ambiguity

I have successfully set up API Versioning in my Core 2.1 API project.


Versions 1.1 and 2.0 work but 1.0 fails with an ambiguity on the Get(string, bool) Actions.

ASP.NET Core Web Server:

MyCodeCamp> fail: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Routing.DefaultApiVersionRoutePolicy[1] MyCodeCamp> Request matched multiple actions resulting in ambiguity. Matching actions: MyCodeCamp.Controllers.Speakers2Controller.Get(string, bool) (MyCodeCamp) MyCodeCamp> MyCodeCamp.Controllers.SpeakersController.Get(string, bool) (MyCodeCamp) MyCodeCamp> fail: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.DeveloperExceptionPageMiddleware[1] MyCodeCamp> An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request. MyCodeCamp> Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Internal.AmbiguousActionException: Multiple actions matched. The following actions matched route data and had all constraints satisfied:

Controller Speakers2 is decorated with [ApiVersion("2.0")] so it’s Get(string, bool) action is version 2.0 so why can’t Versioning tell them apart?

Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Versioning 3.0.0 (can’t install higher due to version conflicts)


  services.AddApiVersioning(cfg =>
    { cfg.DefaultApiVersion = new ApiVersion(1, 1);
      cfg.AssumeDefaultVersionWhenUnspecified = true;
      cfg.ReportApiVersions = true;     });


  public class SpeakersController : BaseController
    . . . 
    public IActionResult Get(string moniker, bool includeTalks = false)

    public virtual IActionResult GetWithCount(string moniker, bool includeTalks = false)

  public class Speakers2Controller : SpeakersController
    public override IActionResult GetWithCount(string moniker, bool includeTalks = false)


  • Apparently versioning gets confused with the multiple Getxxx IActionResults.

    I got it to work by making the Get action in the Speakers controller virtual and then overriding it in the Speakers2 controller as a placeholder that will not be called. I also had to apply the [ApiVersion("2.0")] only to the GetWithCount action and not the controller.

    public class SpeakersController : BaseController
      public virtual IActionResult Get(string moniker, bool includeTalks = false)
    public class Speakers2Controller : SpeakersController
      public override IActionResult Get(string moniker, bool includeTalks = false)
      {  return NotFound(); }
      public override IActionResult GetWithCount(string moniker, bool includeTalks = false)