I'm getting an error where I want to post a switch boolean value on Change. I'm using React/Typescript... What I want to do here send a post request of the boolean value in the handleChange() function, how would I do that?
The current error i'm getting is Type 'void' is not assignable to type '((event: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>, checked: boolean) => void) | undefined'
interface IState {
application?: Map<{}, {}>;
hasChanged?: boolean;
checkedA?: boolean;
<div className={classes.switchContainer}>
<FormGroup row>
<Typography color="secondary" variant="body1" className={classes.toggleQuestions}>Is the Mentor information complete?</Typography>
private handleChange() {
Try onChange={this.handleChange} instead Your way, you are calling handle change and setting its return value ("void") as the change handler. Under certain circumstances this might be appropriate, but not in yours.