Search code examples

Unable to fetch _source dictionary key-val from elastic client search response

I am trying to access the hits _source dictionary to load into a db. hits returns null, what am I doing wrong ?

Notes: searchResponse is returned with the JSON data, and the debuginformation confirms it.

However, the Hit and the _Source class and the underlying data variables are not accessible and variable hits returns null.

The below code of the local variable in debug mode shows the data. If needed then I can include more data or an image of the local variables or debug information window if that would help the scope of the problem.

Thanks in advance.

Tried accessing the _source key value pairs with searchResponse.Documents and foreach statement to access the elements inside hits. But was not able to access _source key value pairs.

/*Declared classes in visual studio console application for c#:
.NET framework 4.5*/

class Program

    public class Doc
        public int took { get; set; }
        public bool timed_out { get; set; }
        public _Shards _shards { get; set; }
        public Hits hits { get; set; }

    public class _Shards
        public int total { get; set; }
        public int successful { get; set; }
        public int skipped { get; set; }
        public int failed { get; set; }

    public class Hits
        public int total { get; set; }
        public float max_score { get; set; }
        public Hit[] hits { get; set; }

    public class Hit
        public string _index { get; set; }
        public string _type { get; set; }
        public string _id { get; set; }
        public float _score { get; set; }
        public _Source _source { get; set; }

    public class _Source
        public int duration { get; set; }
        public string group_id { get; set; }
        public DateTime var_time { get; set; }
        public string var_name { get; set; }

    static void Main(string[] args)
        var uri = new Uri("http://domain_name.val.url:9203/");
        var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(uri);
        var connectionSettings = new ConnectionSettings(pool)
        var resolver = new IndexNameResolver(connectionSettings);
        var client = new ElasticClient(connectionSettings);

        if (!client.IndexExists("test_index").Exists)

        var searchResponse = client.Search<Doc>(s => s
        .Query(q => q
    MessageBox.Show("searchResponse.DebugInformation=" + searchResponse.DebugInformation);

Elastic Search sample URL data:

  "took" : 12,
  "timed_out" : false,
  "_shards" : {
    "total" : 5,
    "successful" : 5,
    "skipped" : 0,
    "failed" : 0
  "hits" : {
    "total" : 2700881,
    "max_score" : 1.0,
    "hits" : [
        "_index" : "test_index",
        "_type" : "doc",
        "_id" : "R22224!!5333e7e4-9ee3-45f4-9dc3-2a8b8d8cdcf8",
        "_score" : 1.0,
        "_source" : {
          "duration" : 14986283,
          "group_id" : "com",
          "var_time" : "2018-04-24T17:05:13.082+02:00",
          "var_name" : "2",

Update: Someone internally in the office suggested using the following code solution and then iterating through the key value pair.

        var searchResponse = client.Search<Doc>(s => s
            .Query(q => q
        var raw = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(searchResponse.ApiCall.ResponseBodyInBytes);  
        JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
        jss.MaxJsonLength = Int32.MaxValue;
        var pairs = jss.Deserialize<Dictionary<string, dynamic>>(raw); 


  • It looks like you've misunderstood the API of the client; you don't need to declare _Shards, Hit, Hits, _Source, etc. the client takes care of deserializing these parts of the Elasticsearch API for you.

    The only part that you need to define is a POCO that will map to the JSON object in each "_source" field in the response, i.e.

      "duration" : 14986283,
      "group_id" : "com",
      "var_time" : "2018-04-24T17:05:13.082+02:00",
      "var_name" : "2",

    which it looks like the _Source POCO does (although I'd be inclined to give it a more meaningful name!). Let's just call it MyDocument for now.

    With MyDocument defined as

    public class MyDocument
        public int Duration { get; set; }
        public string GroupId { get; set; }
        public DateTime Time { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }

    A simple search would be

    var pool = new SingleNodeConnectionPool(new Uri("http://localhost:9200"));
    var settings = new ConnectionSettings(pool)
        .DefaultMappingFor<MyDocument>(m => m
    var client = new ElasticClient(settings);
    var searchResponse = client.Search<MyDocument>();
    // A collection of the top 10 matching documents
    var documents = searchResponse.Documents;

    The DefaultMappingFor<MyDocument>(...) will use the index name "test_index" and type name "doc" whenever the generic type of document is MyDocument, and they are not explicitly defined in the request.

    The above search generates the following query to Elasticsearch

    POST http://localhost:9200/test_index/doc/_search

    Now, it looks like you want to use the Scroll API to return all matching documents. To do this with the Scroll API, you would write a loop to keep making scroll requests so long as documents are being returned

    var searchResponse = client.Search<MyDocument>(s => s
    while (searchResponse.Documents.Any())
        foreach (var document in searchResponse.Documents)
            // do something with this set of 1000 documents
        // make an additional request
        searchResponse = client.Scroll<MyDocument>("30s", searchResponse.ScrollId);
    // clear scroll id at the end
    var clearScrollResponse = client.ClearScroll(c => c.ScrollId(searchResponse.ScrollId));

    There is a ScrollAll observable helper that you can use to make this easier to write, and that parallelizes the operation using sliced_scroll. The same operation as above, but using ScrollAll

    // set to number of shards in targeted indices
    var numberOfSlices = 4;
    var scrollAllObservable = client.ScrollAll<MyDocument>("30s", numberOfSlices);
    Exception exception = null;
    var manualResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
    var scrollAllObserver = new ScrollAllObserver<MyDocument>(
        onNext: s => 
            var documents = s.SearchResponse.Documents;
            foreach (var document in documents)
                // do something with this set of documents
        onError: e =>
            exception = e;
        onCompleted: () => manualResetEvent.Set()
    if (exception != null)
        throw exception;

    If you don't need all of the control over the observer, you can use the simplified version. With this, you do need to specify a maximum run time for the overall operation though

    var numberOfSlices = 4;
    var scrollAllObservable = client.ScrollAll<MyDocument>("30s", numberOfSlices)
        .Wait(TimeSpan.FromHours(2), onNext: s =>
               var documents = s.SearchResponse.Documents;
               foreach (var document in documents)
                    // do something with this set of documents