I just started going through Razorpay
documentation. As per their document their Payment
object has the structure
"id": "pay_29QQoUBi66xm2f",
"entity": "payment",
"amount": 5000,
"currency": "INR",
"status": "captured",
"method": "card",
"description": "Payment for adidas shoes",
"amount_refunded": 0,
"refund_status": null,
"email": "test@razorpay.com",
"contact": "9364591752",
"notes": {},
"fee": 1145,
"tax": 145,
"error_code": null,
"error_description": null,
"created_at": 1400826750
But when I imported their object import com.razorpay.Payment
and clicked on that class in my code editor I found no fields.
// Source code recreated from a .class file by IntelliJ IDEA
// (powered by Fernflower decompiler)
package com.razorpay;
import org.json.JSONObject;
public class Payment extends Entity {
public Payment(JSONObject jsonObject) {
There are no fields and getters. So How can I map the Payment
object contents to my custom class? Is my understanding wrong?
Thank you.
You use the get()
method, which is defined in the Entity
class, to get the values you want. See the documentation of Razorpay Java SDK:
Payment payment = razorpayClient.Payments.fetch("payment_id"); // The the Entity.get("attribute_key") method has flexible return types depending on the attribute int amount = payment.get("amount"); String id = payment.get("id"); Date createdAt = payment.get("created_at");