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spring transaction timeout configurable

I have a transactional method which has a fixed timeout. Is there a way to make a transaction timeout configurable through i.e. an application.yml?

@Transactional(propagation = Propagation.REQUIRED, timeout = TIMEOUT)
public String doStuff(String id) throws Exception {


  • As we cannot assign variable value to Java annotation attribute , to programmatically set @Transactional 's timeout , your best bet is to override AbstractPlatformTransactionManager#determineTimeout().

    Suppose you are using JpaTransactionManager, the new manager looks like the code below. It allows to set timeout per transaction. We can use TransactionDefinition 's name to identify a transaction ,which in case of Spring declarative transaction ,the default name is in the format of FullyQualifiedClassName.MethodName.

    public class FooTransactionManager extends JpaTransactionManager {
        private Map<String, Integer> txTimeout = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        public <T> void configureTxTimeout(Class<T> clazz, String methodName, Integer timeoutSecond) {
            txTimeout.put(clazz.getName() + "." + methodName, timeoutSecond);
        //The timeout set by `configureTxTimeout` will have higher priority than the one set in @Transactional
        protected int determineTimeout(TransactionDefinition definition) {;
            if (txTimeout.containsKey(definition.getName())) {
                return txTimeout.get(definition.getName());
            } else {
                return super.determineTimeout(definition);

    Then configure the PlatformTransactionManager:

    public PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager(final EntityManagerFactory emf) {
        final FooTransactionManager transactionManager = new FooTransactionManager();
        transactionManager.configureTxTimeout(Foo.class, "doStuff", 10);
        transactionManager.configureTxTimeout(Bar.class, "doStuff", 20);
        transactionManager.configureTxTimeout(Bar.class, "doMoreStuff", 30);
        return transactionManager;

    The codes above is just for demonstration purpose . In reality , you can use @Value to read the value from an external properties (e.g application.yml) during the configuration.

    Update On 25-Jun-2020 :

    • It will be supported out of the box in the coming 5.3 (See this)