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Partitioning on SubType for akka streams

I have an akka stream where I have an ADT of the form.

sealed trait Message
sealed trait ThisMessage extends Message
sealed trait ThatMessage extends Message

Now I have a This Message Handler Flow and a That Message Handler Flow. I have an inlet flow that accepts type Message.

In order to create a split, I have the following partitioner. I have the following definition for a partitioner function.

  * Creates a Partition stage that, given a type A, makes a decision to whether to partition to subtype B or subtype C
  * @tparam A type of input
  * @tparam B type of output on the first outlet.
  * @tparam C type of output on the second outlet.
  * @return A partition stage
  def binaryPartitionByType[A, B <: A, C <: A](): Graph[FanOutShape2[A, B, C], NotUsed] =
GraphDSL.create[FanOutShape2[A, B, C]]() { implicit builder =>
  import GraphDSL.Implicits._

  // This is wrong, but I have no idea how to write this.
  val partitioner: UniformFanOutShape[A, A] = builder.add(Partition[A](2, {
    case _: B => 0
    case _: C => 1

  new FanOutShape2(, partitioner.out(0).outlet, partitioner.out(1).outlet)

I wish to use the above method, and use the ADT in the type params to initialize a partitioner.

The compiler throws this error.

Error:(63, 7) type mismatch;
 found   :[A,A,A]
      new FanOutShape2(, partitioner.out(0).outlet, 

From what I understand the partition object only has the Inlet (in this case A, a parametrized type.

Anyone have any ideas how I can fix this?


  • Here's one way to instantiate a FanOutShape2[A, B<:A, C<:A] from UniformFanOutShape[A, A] generated by builder.add(Partition[A]()):

    import{Graph, FanOutShape2}
    import akka.NotUsed
    import scala.reflect.ClassTag
    def binaryPartitionByType[A, B <: A : ClassTag, C <: A : ClassTag](): Graph[FanOutShape2[A, B, C], NotUsed] =
      GraphDSL.create[FanOutShape2[A, B, C]]() { implicit builder =>
        import GraphDSL.Implicits._
        val partitioner = builder.add(Partition[A](2, {
          case _: B => 0
          case _: C => 1
        val partitionB = builder.add(Flow[A].collect{ case b: B => b })
        val partitionC = builder.add(Flow[A].collect{ case c: C => c })
        partitioner.out(0) ~> partitionB
        partitioner.out(1) ~> partitionC
        new FanOutShape2(, partitionB.out, partitionC.out)
    // binaryPartitionByType: [A, B <: A, C <: A]()(
    //   implicit evidence$1: scala.reflect.ClassTag[B], implicit evidence$2: scala.reflect.ClassTag[C]
    // )[[A,B,C],akka.NotUsed]

    Note that ClassTag is needed to avoid type erasure.