This is my model:
class FeedSource(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
feed = models.ForeignKey(Feed, on_delete=models.CASCADE) #FIXME: Deletion
title = models.CharField(max_length=200)
show_on_frontpage = models.BooleanField(default=True)
tags = TagField()
def __str__(self):
return self.title
class Meta:
ordering = ["title"]
unique_together = (("user", "feed"))
And this is my attempt to get all tags in
class TagType(DjangoObjectType):
class Meta:
model = tagulous.models.TagModel
# model = FeedSource
interfaces = (graphene.relay.Node,)
class Query(graphene.ObjectType):
all_tags = graphene.List(TagType, username=graphene.String(required=True))
def resolve_all_tags(self, info, **kwargs):
tags = FeedSource.tags.tag_model.objects.all()
return tags
In graphiql I get the error: Expected value of type \"TagType\" but got: Tagulous_FeedSource_tags."
How can I set the model so that GraphQL will work and I can retrieve a list of all my tags?
By default Tagulous auto-generates a unique tag model each time you use a TagField
- here it has generated the model Tagulous_FeedSource_tags
(also accessible as FeedSource.tags.tag_model
), so you're referencing the abstract model instead of the specific tag model for your field.
Based on my understanding of graphene I'm guessing it's not happy with you using a base class and expects you to use the class itself - so although I've not tried this myself, I think the following should work:
class TagType(DjangoObjectType):
class Meta:
model = FeedSource.tags.tag_model