In order to refactor a client-side project, i'm looking for a safe way to find (and delete) unused code.
What tools do you use to find unused/dead code in large react projects? Our product has been in development for some years, and it is getting very hard to manually detect code that is no longer in use. We do however try to delete as much unused code as possible.
Suggestions for general strategies/techniques (other than specific tools) are also appreciated.
Thank you
First of all, very good question, in large project coders usually try many lines of code test and at the end of result, hard to find the unused code.
There is two possible that must be work for you - i usually do whenever i need to remove and reduce the unused code into my project.
1st way WebStorm IDE:
If you're using the web-storm IDE for JS development or React JS / React Native or Vue js etc it's tell us and indicate us alote of mention with different color or red warning as unused code inside the editor
but it's not works in your particular scenario there is another way to remove the unused code .
2nd Way unrequired Library: (JSX is not supported)
The second way to remove the unused code inside the project is unrequired library you can visit here : unrequired github
another library called depcheck under NPM & github here
Just follow their appropriate method - how to use them you will fix this unused issue easily
Hopefully that helps you