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xml child element node or attribute value

I have a xml schema with nested xml elements and following is the small piece of that

    <id extension="xx" root="56" />
    <telecom use="emer" value="tel:34444" />

   <value value="12345" />
   <value value="234567" />

From this, I have to get the value of "name tag" under "aa tag", last attribute (tel:) of telecom tag, and attribute value of the "value tag" (which is found under bb tag and cc tag)

I tried the following code, but it's not getting exactly what I am expecting.

xDoc.Descendants().Where(x => x.Name.LocalName.Equals("aa")
                              || x.Name.LocalName.Equals("telecom") && 
                               || x.Name.LocalName.Equals("bb")
                               || x.Name.LocalName.Equals("cc"))

Please provide the solution for this issue.


  • You need to select the appropriate descendant of each of your value and then by using proper linq query you can select desired values

    class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(@"Path to your xml file");
            var name = doc.Descendants("organisation").Elements().Where(x => x.Name == "name").Select(x => (string)x).FirstOrDefault();
            var tel = doc.Descendants("organisation").Elements().Where(x => x.Name == "telecom").Select(x => x.Attribute("value").Value).FirstOrDefault();
            var bb_value = doc.Descendants("startdate").Elements().Where(x => x.Name == "value").Select(x => x.Attribute("value").Value).FirstOrDefault();
            var cc_value = doc.Descendants("enddate").Elements().Where(x => x.Name == "value").Select(x => x.Attribute("value").Value).FirstOrDefault();
            Console.WriteLine($"name: {name} \ntel: {tel} \nbb_value: {bb_value} \ncc_value: {cc_value}");


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