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AutoNumeric - removes received values

I use autoNumeric. Data that is added to the input is cleared when you hover the input element. Why are the values ​​cleared? How to fix it? Demo

$('#thermForwardStream').focusout(function () {
            var thermForwardStream = $('#thermForwardStream').val();
            var thermBackStream = $('#thermBackStream').val();
            if (thermBackStream == "70" ) {
                    type: 'POST',
                    dataType: 'json',
                    data: { 'thermForwardStream': thermForwardStream, 'thermBackStream': thermBackStream },
                    url: '@Url.Action("GetDataAnnexY", "ThermLosses")',
                    success: function (data) {

const autoNumericOptions = {
allowDecimalPadding: "floats",
            decimalCharacter: ",",
            digitGroupSeparator: "",
            emptyInputBehavior: "zero"

new AutoNumeric('#thermForwardStream', autoNumericOptions);
new AutoNumeric('#thermBackStream', autoNumericOptions);
new AutoNumeric('#tempHeatExchangerOne', autoNumericOptions);
new AutoNumeric('#tempHeatExchangerTwo', autoNumericOptions);
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<input class="form-control double" type="text" value="0" id="thermForwardStream" name="ThermForwardStream" required />

<input class="form-control double" type="text" value="70" id="thermBackStream" name="ThermBackStream" required />

<input class="form-control double" type="text" id="tempHeatExchangerOne" name="TempHeatExchangerOne" required />

<input class="form-control double" type="text" id="tempHeatExchangerTwo" name="TempHeatExchangerTwo" required />


  • Need to add property watchExternalChanges.

    Defines if the AutoNumeric element should watch external changes made without using .set()

     const autoNumericOptions = {
            allowDecimalPadding: "floats",
            decimalCharacter: ",",
            digitGroupSeparator: "",
            emptyInputBehavior: "zero",
            watchExternalChanges: true //!!!