I am using below code to get HTML but i am not getting plain HTML, it contain non escapes character. I am using JSOUP parser which is not able to parse this HTML.
"(function() { return ('<html>'+document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].innerHTML+'</html>'); })();",
new ValueCallback<String>() {
public void onReceiveValue(String html) {
I am getting this html string from above code.
"\u003Chtml>\u003Chead>\n \u003Cmeta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">\n \u003Cmeta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0\">\n \u003Clink rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"https://www.xyx.com/favicon.ico\" type=\"image/x-icon\">\n \u003Clink rel=\"icon\" href=\"https://www.xyx.com/favicon.ico\" type=\"image/x-icon\">\n \n \u003Ctitle>Page Not Found! : BJSBuzz\u003C/title>\n\n \u003C!-- \n\tOpen Source Social Network (Ossn)/script>\u003C/body>\u003C/html>"
You should use JsonReader to parse the value:
webView.evaluateJavascript("(function() {return document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].outerHTML;})();", new ValueCallback<String>() {
public void onReceiveValue(final String value) {
JsonReader reader = new JsonReader(new StringReader(value));
try {
if(reader.peek() == JsonToken.STRING) {
String domStr = reader.nextString();
if(domStr != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
// handle exception
} finally {