I have a default navigation style that I want to incorporate to all of my stacks so I have this object.
const navigationDefaultStyle = {
headerStyle: { backgroundColor:"#fff", height:60},
headerTitle: (<View style={{marginTop:5, flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'center' }}><Image style={{ width:140, height: 36, marginTop: 0, marginRight: 5}} source={require('./app/images/logo.png')}/></View>),
headerRight: (<TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={0.8} onPress={ async () => {
navigation.navigate('Settings', {transitionStyle:'default'})
} } style={{ marginRight:15, marginTop:5 }}>
<Icon name="cog" type="light" color="#29317C" size={26} />
However if I do this, the navigation.navigate
doesn't work because it is not defined.
Is there anyway I can apply this object to every stack by doing this:
const Login = createStackNavigator({ SignIn: { screen: SignInScreen, navigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => (navigationDefaultStyle) } });
const Sync = createStackNavigator({ Sync: { screen: SyncScreen, navigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => (navigationDefaultStyle) } });
const Identification = createStackNavigator({ Identification: { screen: IDScreen, navigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => (navigationDefaultStyle) } });
You can try passing the navigation prop
const navigationDefaultStyle = (navigation)=>{
headerStyle: { backgroundColor:"#fff", height:60},
headerTitle: (<View style={{marginTop:5, flex: 1, flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'center' }}><Image style={{ width:140, height: 36, marginTop: 0, marginRight: 5}} source={require('./app/images/logo.png')}/></View>),
headerRight: (<TouchableOpacity activeOpacity={0.8} onPress={ async () => {
navigation.navigate('Settings', {transitionStyle:'default'})
} } style={{ marginRight:15, marginTop:5 }}>
<Icon name="cog" type="light" color="#29317C" size={26} />
and then just
const Login = createStackNavigator({ SignIn: { screen: SignInScreen, navigationOptions: ({ navigation }) => (navigationDefaultStyle(navigation)) } });