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how can I run ansible molecule without colors?

When running molecule the logs display with colors:

 molecule lint -s preprod
 --> [36mValidating schema /home/singuliere/software/enough/infrastructure/molecule/letsencrypt-nginx/molecule.yml.[0m

[0m[0m[0m[32mValidation completed successfully.[0m [0m[0m[0m--> [36mValidating schema /home/singuliere/software/enough/infrastructure/molecule/postfix/molecule.yml.[0m ...

which can be disabled by piping the output to cat (it only shows when the output is a tty)

 molecule lint -s preprod | cat

--> Validating schema /home/singuliere/software/enough/infrastructure/molecule/letsencrypt-nginx/molecule.yml. Validation completed successfully. ...

Is there a permanent way to do the same? I tried setting ANSIBLE_NOCOLOR=true in the environment but it does not have the desired effect.


  • It seems that this behaviour is hardcoded.

    You can patch molecule's logger class to disable colours.
    Find module's path with python -c 'import molecule; print(molecule.__file__)'.
    Modify in that folder:

    def color_text(color, msg):
        return msg
        # return '{}{}{}'.format(color, msg, colorama.Style.RESET_ALL)