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How to define colorAxis dataClasses for solid gauge chart?

I am trying to set solid gauge chart to use defined colors for ranges using colorAxis dataClasses, but it isn't working. Not sure what I am doing wrong.

How should I define the colorAxis and dataClasses?

Please see UPDATE!!! I've amended fiddle to use stops, and it worked for colors defined as red, green and not for hexadecimal colors! Try values like 51, 65 and 81

 $(function() {

  Highcharts.chart('container-cpu', {

    chart: {
      type: 'solidgauge'

    title: null,

    pane: {
      center: ['50%', '85%'],
      size: '140%',
      startAngle: -90,
      endAngle: 90,
      background: {
        backgroundColor: (Highcharts.theme && Highcharts.theme.background2) || '#EEE',
        innerRadius: '60%',
        outerRadius: '100%',
        shape: 'arc'

    tooltip: {
      enabled: false

    yAxis: {
      min: 0,
      max: 100,
      title: {
        text: 'CPU'

    colorAxis: {
      dataClasses: [{
        from: 0,
        to: 50,
        color: 'red'
      }, {
        from: 50,
        to: 90,
        color: 'green'
      }, {
        from: 90,
        color: 'yellow'


    series: [{
      name: 'HDD',
      data: [70]



I see default blue color for any value and I would expect to see green for value 70.


  • To color the value of a solidgauge you should use stops, like this:

    yAxis: {
      stops: [
        [0.5, 'red'], 
        [0.9, 'green'], 
        [1, 'yellow'] 
      min: 0,
      max: 100,
      title: {
        text: 'CPU'

    Solid gauge series only. Color stops for the solid gauge. Use this in cases where a linear gradient between a minColor and maxColor is not sufficient. The stops is an array of tuples, where the first item is a float between 0 and 1 assigning the relative position in the gradient, and the second item is the color.

    Working JSFiddle example:

    API on stops:

    Since you said in a comment that you want to use solid colors, and not gradients; the following is one way you can implement that:

    chart: {
      type: 'solidgauge',
      events: {
        load: function() {
          var currentValue = this.series[0].points[0].y;
          var newColor = '';
            if(currentValue < 50) {
            newColor = 'red'
          } else if(currentValue < 90) {
            newColor = 'green'
          } else {
            newColor = 'yellow'
          this.series[0].points[0].update({color: newColor}, true)

    Working example:

    API on point.update: