I'm not sure if I'm doing things incorrectly but I noticed an issue recently where some updates being made to the yAxis options (specifically max/softMax) via React state weren't causing the chart to re-render properly.
Here's a minimal reproduction case: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/highcharts-react-demo-forked-jhsmq4?file=%2Fdemo.jsx%3A30%2C4
Maybe this is some specific edge-case with min/max and softMin/softMax because all other updates to the yAxis options object have caused re-renders correctly.
It looks like everything works just fine! The confusion arises because the max option remains set to 2, making it seem like softMax stopped working.
To resolve this issue, remember to set yAxis.max to undefined when updating.softMax. Demo: https://codesandbox.io/p/sandbox/highcharts-react-demo-forked-33s3v4?file=%2Fdemo.jsx%3A34%2C1-41%2C11
const yAxisOptions = useSoftMax
? {
softMax: 2,
max: undefined,
: {
max: 2,