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Try to create C# style event access modifier in C++ using std::functional and std::bind

I'm trying to create C# style event handling, i.e expose += operator for everybody and expose Invoke method only for the containing class.

I'm using std::functional and std::bind as explained here to create callback mechanism: C++ callback using class member

To enable invoking the event only from containing class, I created Event::Invoke() method private, and then I create a friend class of Event called ClassWithEvent thats has protected method InvokeEvent which calling Event::Invoke. All the inheritanced classes of ClassWithEvent can invoke the event using base class InvokeEvent method.

Additionly, I want to enable events to have different kind of args, so I create base class EventArgs which can be extended by other king of args.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>

using namespace std;
using namespace placeholders;

class EventArgs

class Event
    friend class ClassWithEvent;

    void operator+=(function<void(const EventArgs &)> callback)

    void Invoke(const EventArgs & args) const
        for (function<void(const EventArgs &)> func : m_funcsList)

    vector<function<void(const EventArgs &)>> m_funcsList;

class ClassWithEvent
    void InvokeEvent(const Event & event, const EventArgs & args)

For exaple, I have ApplesTree class with AppleFallEvent event, I have ApplesCollector class which should be notified about falling apples:

class AppleFallEventArgs : public EventArgs
    int size;
    int weight;

class ApplesTree : public ClassWithEvent
    Event AppleFallEvent;

    void triggerAppleFall(int size, int weight)
        AppleFallEventArgs args;

        args.size = size;
        args.weight = weight;

        ClassWithEvent::InvokeEvent(AppleFallEvent, args);

class ApplesCollector
    void HandleAppleFallEvent(const AppleFallEventArgs & args)
        cout << "Apple size is " << args.size << "weight is " << args.weight << endl;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    ApplesTree applesTree;
    ApplesCollector applesCollector;

    applesTree.AppleFallEvent += bind(&ApplesCollector::HandleAppleFallEvent, &applesCollector, _1);

    applesTree.triggerAppleFall(1, 2);

    return 0;

Well, I try to compile this and get the following errors:

C2672 'std::invoke': no matching overloaded function found


C2893 Failed to specialize function template 'unknown-type std::invoke(_Callable &&,_Types &&...)'

I can't look out where is the problem because this errors belongs to std code and its really hard to deal with it. Any way, I found that if I removing the usage of Event::operator+=() the compile is successfull.

Can someone point out what is the problem here?



  • You need to have Event know which particular args it will use. Note that using namespace std; is a bad idea. I've also replaced the bind with a lambda.

    // no empty class EventArgs
    template<typename EventArgs>
    class Event
        friend class ClassWithEvent;
        void operator+=(std::function<void(const EventArgs &)> callback)
        void Invoke(const EventArgs & args) const
            for (auto & func : m_funcsList)
        std::vector<std::function<void(const EventArgs &)>> m_funcsList;
    class ClassWithEvent
        template<typename EventArgs>
        void InvokeEvent(const Event<EventArgs> & event, const EventArgs & args)
    class AppleFallEventArgs
        int size;
        int weight;
    class ApplesTree : public ClassWithEvent
        Event<AppleFallEventArgs> AppleFallEvent;
        void triggerAppleFall(int size, int weight)
            AppleFallEventArgs args;
            args.size = size;
            args.weight = weight;
            InvokeEvent(AppleFallEvent, args);
    class ApplesCollector
        void HandleAppleFallEvent(const AppleFallEventArgs & args)
            std::cout << "Apple size is " << args.size << "weight is " << args.weight << std::endl;
    int main(int argc, char* argv[])
        ApplesTree applesTree;
        ApplesCollector applesCollector;
        applesTree.AppleFallEvent += [&](auto & args){ applesCollector.HandleAppleFallEvent(args); };
        applesTree.triggerAppleFall(1, 2);
        return 0;