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Is it possible to push ADB System files without Root?

I'm looking to replace the Generic.kl file on my Samsung. I found a command online to push this file:

adb push Generic.kl /system/usr/keylayout/Generic.kl

But when I tried it says:

"Couldn't create file: Read-only file system"

I assume this is because I'm not a root user. Can I do it some other way? (Fast-boot mode is not supported on Samsung)



  • No, you need root.

    That error isn't a permission denial, though. On Android, the system partition is mounted read-only by default. To make changes, you need to use

    mount -o rw,remount /system

    That command requires root privileges as well, so it won't run.

    Even if system were mounted in read-write mode, you'd just get

    Couldn't create file: Permission denied

    system is owned by the user root. Permissions inside of system are, at their most lenient, set to 755 or rwxr-xr-x. That means only the root user has permission to write anywhere in system. Since ADB runs under the shell user, you can't write files.