I have a problem with my function I made a if function in my addEventListener and when I click in the button it seems like the button take the value of the id="dollar" in the span, I don't know why and when I make a console log of the id="dollar", the browser show me the value of th input, I don't know why ?
With this code it seems like he only take the value of 1000 .
<p id="dollar">1000</p>
<input type="range" min="0" max="40000" step="100" value="0"
oninput="showDollar(this.value)" onchange="showDollar(this.value)">
<button id="bouton">OBTENER CREDITO</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
var nombre = document.querySelector('span').innerHTML;
var bouton = document.getElementById('bouton');
function showDollar(newDollar){
document.getElementById('dollar').innerHTML = newDollar;
bouton.addEventListener("click", function(){
location.href = "https://www.google.com";
location.href = "https://www.youtube.com";
in you're listenere you check the value of number but number is define only one time when the page is load.
Before test de value you need to update it :
bouton.addEventListener("click", function(){
nombre = document.getElementById('dollar').innerHTML
location.href = "https://www.google.com";
location.href = "https://www.youtube.com";
And i change
to retrieve the value of number, i think it was what you need