It seems like this should be simple, and I thought it was... until I switched from running Figwheel to running a JAR file and it stopped working.
The issue can be reduced to a pretty simple example:
Make a new app called "buttontest" using the Leiningen "Reagent" template.
Add some script to core.cljs, right below the "ns" declaration:
(defn greet [] (js/alert "Hi!"))
Add a static button in handler.clj:
(defn loading-page [] (html5 (head)
[:body {:class "body-container"} mount-target
[:button {:onclick "buttontest.core.greet()"} "Say Hello"]
;^ ^ ^
(include-js "/js/app.js")]))
Do a "lein cljsbuild once" and a "lein figwheel." Browse to the site. The "Say Hello" button will trigger an alert when clicked.
Back in the shell, do a "lein uberjar" and run the resultant .JAR file using Java. Browse to the site. The "Say Hello" button will do nothing when clicked. The console shows "buttontest is undefined."
I've tried various things (tinkering with / removing the namespace qualification in the "onclick" attribute, manually including other .JS files, etc.) without luck. I feel like I'm missing something obvious.
Any ideas? Thanks.
Try giving your greet
function the export
meta flag:
(defn ^:export greet ...)
I imagine :advanced
compilation optimizations mangles the namespace/function name, and :export
prohibits that (or something like this).