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Dynamically add panel control to a dynamic tabsheet (C++ Builder Rad Studio)?

I have a problem getting the tabPage->Name value, because it will generate when user click the button, first block of my code will create new tabsheet inside PageControl3 and then I use the static int tabNumber; by if condition to generate the tabPage->Caption and then I use the caption for tabPage->Name dynamically.

I need the name of that tabsheet to pass it on the Error line.

static int tabNumber;
if (tabNumber >= 1) ++tabNumber;
else tabNumber = 1;
PageControl3->Visible = true;
TTabSheet *tabPage = new TTabSheet(PageControl3);
tabPage->PageControl = PageControl3;
tabPage->Caption = UnicodeString("Untitled") + IntToStr(tabNumber);
tabPage->Name = UnicodeString("ts") + tabPage->Caption;

The second part of my code should create new TPanel inside current tabpage->Name that was created in the above part of my code, BUT it wont work.

TPanel *panelPage = new TPanel(tabPage->Name); // Error Line
panelPage->Align = alClient;
panelPage->Name = UnicodeString("panel") + tabPage->Caption;

Error massage:

[bcc32 Error] mainUnit.cpp(50): E2285 Could not find a match for 'TPanel::TPanel(const UnicodeString)'

So I not know how to access the tabPage->Name value, because that was create dynamically?


  • DB Baxter The constructor requires a component variable/object and not a string with the text of the name. Such as TPanel *panelPage = new TPanel(tabPage); Will that work for you? Do you need to make the panel's parent tabPage?

    By helping DB Baxter, I think the correct and complete answer for create dynamic TPanel inside the dynamic TTabSheet will requires a component variable/object and then for displaying the TPanel we should use the whatever->show(); command, the full code can bee like this:

    static int tabNumber = 0;
    if (tabNumber >= 1) {
    } else {
        tabNumber = 1;
        PageControl3->Visible = true;
    // create new tab sheet inside PageControl3
    TTabSheet *tabSheet = new TTabSheet(PageControl3);
    tabSheet->PageControl = PageControl3;
    tabSheet->Caption = UnicodeString("Untitled") + IntToStr(tabNumber);
    tabSheet->Name = UnicodeString("ts") + tabSheet->Caption;
    // create new panel inside the current tab sheet
    TPanel *panelBox = new TPanel(tabSheet);
    panelBox->Parent = tabSheet;
    panelBox->Align = alClient;
    panelBox->Name = UnicodeString("panelPage") + IntToStr(tabNumber);
    panelBox->BevelOuter = bvNone;
    panelBox->ShowCaption = true;
    panelBox->Caption = UnicodeString("panel") + tabSheet->Caption;

    I hope this code can help anyone to generate the dynamic tab sheet with panel, by the way if you want add some frame to it the following code should use:

    // adding the registration frame to the panel
    TregFrame *newRegistration = new TregFrame(panelBox);
    newRegistration->Parent = panelBox;
    newRegistration->Align  = alClient;

    Note: don't forget to include your frame in your working file, for example #include "registrationFrame.h".