I am load testing a web application. I am new to JMeter and have too many confusions.
Is it possible to give the access token somewhere in the Jmeter, so I can skip the redirecting to Auth0 page for logging in and entering username and password
If so how can I do it
Even if I access the application successfully still the status code will be the same.
How do I differentiate if Jmeter is successfully opening the link I passed or is stuck at the login page to which it is redirected to.
I have been trying to a find a way for so long now, so any help will be greatly appreciated
1/ Yes, use HTTP Header Manager and set the token here. Or if it's a parameter set it in HTTP Request parameters table
2/ JMeter marks a sampler in error if return code is >=400. So if response code is 200 but page is not expected one, you need to use Response Assertion to test presence of a particular content
3/ Yes, in View Results Tree either use in the select box in the middle on the left the renderers HTML with embedded resources or Browser