My macro below inserts value (Hello) into cell A1 and copies this value using copy method. Then it changes value in A1 (Hi).
At the end I would like to paste (original) value into another cell e.g. B1. I'm very surprised that Excel pastes modified value instead original one (why? copying has been before modifying!).
Notice: My macro starts with CopyAndPasteData().
Sub CopyAndPasteData()
Range("A1") = "Hello"
Range("A1") = "Hi"
End Sub
Sub CopyData()
End Sub
Sub PasteData()
End Sub
sub test()
dim s as String
Range("A1") = "Hello"
s = Range("A1").value
Range("B1").value = s
end sub
This is the best thing you can do. Create a variable and assign the value of A1 to the particular variable so that you can use the first value anywhere by accessing the variable.