I want to fetch a document called settings
from a Firestore subcollection, then load it into my local component (and Redux store) as a variable named settings
with the following value:
settings: {
name: 'Waldo Garply',
email: '[email protected]',
mobile: '555-789-1234',
timestamp: '1546304499032',
Instead, my app fails to compile and I get the following error message in my console:
console.errorUncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'settings' of undefined at Function.mapStateToProps [as mapToProps]
What am I doing wrong and how can I achieve my expected behavior?
I am storing my Firestore data as follows.
├── users
| ├── OGk02kJbQUesTeVhTrLBnERSxrfm
| | ├── settings
| | | ├── VrxDnSxpUw6wgX0n9c1FbapmLaLa
| | | | ├── name: Waldo Garply
| | | | └── timestamp: 1546304499030
| | | ├── cGVHxSkU3Lcb9WAYWjnJKcLOTYf8
| | | | ├── name: Waldo Garply
| | | | ├── email: [email protected]
| | | | └── timestamp: 1546304499031
| | | ├── qoDYG2xloEvUUhGQyF9zXy9MTMIq
| | | | ├── name: Waldo Garply
| | | | ├── email: [email protected]
| | | | ├── mobile: 555-789-1234
| | | | └── timestamp: 1546304499032
Notice, I am storing a unique snapshot of all the settings values (including a timestamp) each time any of the settings values changes; I then fetch the latest setting (sorted by timestamp) and load it. So I am needing an automatic listener on the settings
I am using the following code in my component (called DetailsTab.js) to try connect to Firestore to fetch the data then load it as a settings
variable into my component and Redux store.
function mapStateToProps( state ) {
console.log('state\n', state);
return {
user: state.auth.user,
// attempted all the following individually
settings: state.firestore.data.users.settings, // throws error
settings: state.firestore.ordered.users.settings, // throws error
settings: state.firestore.ordered.users[0] // throws error
settings: state.firestore.ordered.users // returns 'users' object
export default compose(
withStyles(styles, { withTheme: true }),
connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps),
firestoreConnect(props => {
return [
collection: 'users',
doc: props.user.data.uid,
subcollections: [
collection: 'settings',
limit: 1,
orderBy: ['timestamp', 'desc',],
storeAs: 'settings',
The following is how the data appears when my console logs it.
└── firestore
├── data
| └── users
| └── OGk02kJbQUesTeVhTrLBnERSxrfm
| └── settings
| └── qoDYG2xloEvUUhGQyF9zXy9MTMIq
| ├── name: Waldo Garply
| ├── email: [email protected]
| ├── mobile: 555-789-1234
| └── timestamp: 1546304499032
├── ordered
| └── users [Array(1)]
| └── 0
| ├── id: OGk02kJbQUesTeVhTrLBnERSxrfm
| └── settings [Array(1)]
| └── 0
| ├── id: qoDYG2xloEvUUhGQyF9zXy9MTMIq
| ├── name: Waldo Garply
| ├── email: [email protected]
| ├── mobile: 555-789-1234
| └── timestamp: 1546304499032
The solution was to add the appropriate error guards as follows.
function mapStateToProps( state ) {
console.log('state\n', state);
const settings = state.firestore.ordered.users
&& state.firestore.ordered.users[0]
&& state.firestore.ordered.users[0].settings
&& state.firestore.ordered.users[0].settings[0];
return {
user: state.auth.user,