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Uncaught NetworkError: Failed to execute 'importScripts' on 'WorkerGlobalScope'

I am trying to import json data from web worker using importScripts, the following error occurs.

Uncaught NetworkError: Failed to execute 'importScripts' on 'WorkerGlobalScope': The script at (my:URL to fetch data from server) failed to load.

Web worker code is here. I am able to send basic messages from my web worker thread and main js thread. I want to fetch jsonp data from my server from web worker thread and then reply to main js thread.

/*web worker js file to fetch json data from server and then return to main javascript thread*/

self.onmessage = function(e)
    var curr = setInterval(function()
         var message =;     
    }, 10000);

function fetchMyTournament(userid)
    self.postMessage('worker saying hi');
    var url = "(server URL mapping)?callback=processInfo&type=(typeOfArgument)&userId="+userid;
            self.postMessage("After import script");

function processInfo(objJSON) 
    self.postMessage("Data returned from the server...: " 
                  + JSON.stringify(objJSON));


  • importScript() must be placed outside of a function. For your case you should use fetch(url). You should also add async to each function, and use it this way:

    let message = fetchMyTournament(message).then(function(result){return result;});