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How to continue execution when Assertion is failed

I am using Selenium RC using Java with eclipse and TestNG framework. I have the following code snippet:

assertTrue(selenium.isTextPresent("Please enter Email ID"));
assertTrue(selenium.isTextPresent("Please enter Password"));

First assertion was failed and execution was stopped. But I want to continue the further snippet of code.


  • Selenium IDE uses verify to perform a soft assertion, meaning that the test will continue even if the check fails and either report the failures at the end of the test or on the event of a hard assertion.

    With TestNG it is possible to have these soft assertions by using custom test listeners. I have documented how to do this on my blog:

    Basically, you need to create your own verify* methods, in these you can catch assertion failures and add them to a map. Then in a custom afterInvocation listener you can set the test to failed if the map is not empty.