I have text data in A2, B2 and C2 cells. In this moment I set:
But how can I set E2 so to NOT CONCATENATE three of them at all - and leave E2 blank - if B2 is empty?
Thank you
In the most recent versions of Excel you can put the following formula inside E2 cell:
= IF(B2 <> "", CONCATENATE(A2, B2, C2), "")
while for my Excel 2007 this was the right one:
= IF(B2 <> ""; CONCATENATE(A2; B2; C2); "")
It means that if B2
is not empty [<>
means different, ""
means empty] then you CONCATENATE
. Otherwise you leave it empty
The general syntax for newer versions is the following:
= IF(test, [if true], [if false])
while for the past ones:
= IF(test; [if true]; [if false])