I want to dynamically apply a predicates to a list of dynamic object. My solution is working well when I use actual objects but it does not work on dynamic objects and I can't figure out what is the problem.
Note: I searched Stackoverflow none of similar questions are using list of dynamic objects.
I have a list of dynamic objects like the following code. The list contains two dynamic object that have two properties (Name
). I used JsonConvert
class to create dynamic objects :
var lst = new List<dynamic>();
Dictionary<string, object> dict = new Dictionary<string, object>();
dict.Add("Name", "John");
dict.Add("CreateDate", DateTime.Now);
dict.Add("Name", "sara");
dict.Add("CreateDate", DateTime.Now);
As you see lst
is a list of dynamic objects and have 2 items in it.
Now I want to filter list to get the item with the name Jonh (p=> p.Name == "john"
To do this I had the following approach:
ParameterExpression pe = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "p");
CallSiteBinder name = Binder.GetMember(CSharpBinderFlags.None, "Name", typeof(object),
new CSharpArgumentInfo[] { CSharpArgumentInfo.Create(CSharpArgumentInfoFlags.None, null) });
var pname = Expression.Dynamic(name, typeof(object), pe);
var right = Expression.Constant("John");
Expression e2 = Expression.Equal(pname, right);
var qu = Expression.Lambda<Func<dynamic, bool>>(e2, pe);
var lst2 = lst.AsQueryable().Where(qu).ToList();// Count()==0 !
The lst2
should contain 1 item but it contains 0 items. But if I change the original list(lst
) to a type that has a Name
property (let's say List<Person>
) it lst2
correctly have 1 item.
Even when I use ExpandoObject
to create dynamic objects it still won't work :
dynamic obj = new ExpandoObject();
var dictionary = (IDictionary<string, object>)obj;
dictionary.Add("Name", "John");
dictionary.Add("CreateDate", DateTime.Now);
As pionted out in the comments ExpandoObject
actually works and the problem is with SqlDataReader
. Here are what I have tried (see Not working comments in the following code) :
List<dynamic> result = new List<dynamic>();
dynamic obj = new ExpandoObject();
var dictionary = (IDictionary<string, object>)obj;
dictionary.Add("Name","John"); // <= this works fine
// dictionary.Add("Name",dr["Name"]); // <= Not working
// dictionary.Add("Name",dr["Name"].ToItsType()); // <= Not working
// dictionary.Add("Name",dr["Name"].ToString()); // <= Not working
dictionary.Add("CreateDate", DateTime.Now);
I was able to reproduce the issue (after your UPDATE 2 which gave me the idea) by changing the ExpandoObject
example code
dictionary.Add("Name", "John");
dictionary.Add("Name", new string("John".ToCharArray()));
to avoid constant string
interning, which lead us to the issue in the dynamic expression code.
The dynamic expression type is object
, hence Expression.Equal
resolves to object operator ==
, i.e. ReferenceEquals
. That's why the example is working with constant strings and not with runtime created strings.
What you need here is to use actual property type. So simply cast (Expression.Convert
) the result of the dynamic property accessor to the expected type:
var pname = Expression.Convert(Expression.Dynamic(name, typeof(object), pe), typeof(string));
Now the expressions which refer to pname
expression will resolve with the correct type (in this particular case, Equal
will resolve to the overloaded string ==
operator which correctly compares strings by value. Same for value types like int
, DateTime