Hello I am trying to make a post using jeckyll and as part of my post I would like to show some liquid code. The post should display the IF statement as part of the post text (example below).
{% if customer and customer.tags contains 'Wholesale' %}
{% endif %}
I have tried to post this as
{% highlight liquid %}
{% if customer and customer.tags contains 'Wholesale' %}
{% endif %}
{% endhighlight %}
and also
{% highlight markdown %}
{% if customer and customer.tags contains 'Wholesale' %}
{% endif %}
{% endhighlight %}
but anything I try seems to be still executing the liquid code. Is there a way to display the IF statement my post?
Try wrapping your liquid code in {% raw %} {% endraw %} like this:
{% highlight liquid %}
{% raw %}
{% if customer and customer.tags contains 'Wholesale' %}
{% endif %}
{% endraw %}
{% endhighlight %}
The raw tag will disable any liquid processing and output your code as desired.