I am trying to perform anomaly detection of images in a patch-wise manner in MATLAB.
For each patch in the image, I extract a 6x1
feature vector g
, where each component is an indicator.
I have to use the confidence region cr
, defined by the snippet below (I couldn't post the image), built on all the feature vectors of the normal patches and use it for testing new patches.
<a href="https://www.codecogs.com/eqnedit.php?latex=\dpi{100}&space;\mathcal{R}_{\gamma}=\lbrace\phi\in\mathbb{R}^6:&space;\sqrt{(\phi&space;-&space;\overline{\bf{g}})'\Sigma^{-1}(\phi-\overline{\bf{g}})}\leq\gamma\rbrace&space;\\\\&space;\text{where&space;$\overline{\bf{g}},$\Sigma$&space;are&space;the&space;average&space;and&space;the&space;sample&space;covariance&space;of&space;g}" target="_blank"><img src="https://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?\dpi{100}&space;\mathcal{R}_{\gamma}=\lbrace\phi\in\mathbb{R}^6:&space;\sqrt{(\phi&space;-&space;\overline{\bf{g}})'\Sigma^{-1}(\phi-\overline{\bf{g}})}\leq\gamma\rbrace&space;\\\\&space;\text{where&space;$\overline{\bf{g}},$\Sigma$&space;are&space;the&space;average&space;and&space;the&space;sample&space;covariance&space;of&space;g}" title="\mathcal{R}_{\gamma}=\lbrace\phi\in\mathbb{R}^6: \sqrt{(\phi - \overline{\bf{g}})'\Sigma^{-1}(\phi-\overline{\bf{g}})}\leq\gamma\rbrace \\\\ \text{where $\overline{\bf{g}},$\Sigma$ are the average and the sample covariance of g}" /></a>
Informally, I want to check if a test feature vector falls inside the confidence region and so label the patch as normal
, otherwise anomalous
I am struggling to understand how to build a confidence region in R6 using MATLAB. I have tried using bootci, but doing so cr
becomes a 2x6x6
matrix and I don't understand the meaning of the third dimension. Any help or suggestion is appreciated!
If all you want is to classify a 6-D vector φ, just apply the formula in your snippet. Assuming that sigmaInv
is the inverse of the sample covariance and that φ and g_bar are column vectors i.e. size(phi) = size(g_bar) = (6,1)
s = (phi-g_bar)'*sigmaInv*(phi-g_bar) % note the ' after the first () = transpose
is a scalar and sqrt(s) <= gamma
means normal, the opposite means anomalous. (Taking the square root assumes that the sample covariance is positive-definite).
If phi
and g_bar
are row vectors, then the formula should have the transpose after the second parenthesis:
s = (phi-g_bar)*sigmaInv*(phi-g_bar)' % apostrophe now after second ()
Hope this helps