I have this situation in Mysql table.
code gr. state
10 a available
10 a sold
10 b available
10 a available
10 a sold
10 a printed
10 b available
10 b sold
10 b available
I need to group these data for group getting something like
group a -> available(3), sold(2), printed(1)
group b -> available(2), sold(1), printed(0)
I tried combining group_concat() and count() but can't get the result I need.
My goal is to have 1 single row per group (group by is ok) The states are always these 3 (available, sold, printed)
thx for help
SUM with IF could give you the right answear.
sum(if(state,'available',1,0)) available,
sum(if(state,'sold',1,0)) sold,
sum(if(state,'printed',1,0)) printed
FROM table