function filteredArray(arr, elem) { let newArr = [];
Loops through every element of the nested array.
for (let i=0;i<arr.length;i++){
for (let j=0;j<arr[i].length;j++){
If the value on the iteration is equal to the argument passed, it is supposed to set a variable x to be equal to the value of the nested array during the ongoing iteration
if (arr[i][j]==elem){
let x = indexOf(arr[i][j]);
It is supposed to remove the element with index equal to the variable x.
Then it is supposed to push the remained of the nested array to the new array and then subsequently return the new array.
return newArr;
HOWEVER THERE IS AN ERROR THAT SAYS 'indexOf is not defined'
I don't understand why it doesn't work. It return indexOf as undefined for every iteration. Please take a look at comments. Please share your opinion on my code if you don't mind.
is an array/string
method and can be called on an array like array.indexOf(element)
. In your case your you need to pass the array
Also you may skip the indexOf
because here variable i
and j
will give the relevant index of the parent and nested array