I use the library amchart to generate a chart with the plugin dataLoader . But each time there is one day empty at the begin and the end of the chart for no reason. Did someone already get this error?
I create a fiddle using the example data from amchart that you can find here. I just change the chart type to "line" and the default period to "10D" and as you can see there is still a space on the right of the chart (if also at left as well if you change the period). Is it possible to erase it?
var chart = AmCharts.makeChart( "chartdiv", {
"type": "stock",
"theme": "none",
//"color": "#fff",
"dataSets": [ {
"title": "MSFT",
"fieldMappings": [ {
"fromField": "Open",
"toField": "open"
}, {
"fromField": "High",
"toField": "high"
}, {
"fromField": "Low",
"toField": "low"
}, {
"fromField": "Close",
"toField": "close"
}, {
"fromField": "Volume",
"toField": "volume"
} ],
"compared": false,
"categoryField": "Date",
* data loader for data set data
"dataLoader": {
"url": "https://www.amcharts.com/wp-content/uploads/assets/stock/MSFT.csv",
"format": "csv",
"showCurtain": true,
"showErrors": true,
"async": true,
"reverse": true,
"delimiter": ",",
"useColumnNames": true
* data loader for events data
"eventDataLoader": {
"url": "https://www.amcharts.com/wp-content/uploads/assets/stock/MSFT_events.csv",
"format": "csv",
"showCurtain": true,
"showErrors": true,
"async": true,
"reverse": true,
"delimiter": ",",
"useColumnNames": true,
"postProcess": function( data ) {
for ( var x in data ) {
switch ( data[ x ].Type ) {
case 'A':
var color = "#85CDE6";
var color = "#cccccc";
data[ x ] = {
"type": "pin",
"graph": "g1",
"backgroundColor": color,
"date": data[ x ].Date,
"text": data[ x ].Type,
"description": "<strong>" + data[ x ].Title + "</strong><br />" + data[ x ].Description
return data;
}, {
"title": "TXN",
"fieldMappings": [ {
"fromField": "Open",
"toField": "open"
}, {
"fromField": "High",
"toField": "high"
}, {
"fromField": "Low",
"toField": "low"
}, {
"fromField": "Close",
"toField": "close"
}, {
"fromField": "Volume",
"toField": "volume"
} ],
"compared": true,
"categoryField": "Date",
"dataLoader": {
"url": "https://www.amcharts.com/wp-content/uploads/assets/stock/TXN.csv",
"format": "csv",
"showCurtain": true,
"showErrors": true,
"async": true,
"reverse": true,
"delimiter": ",",
"useColumnNames": true
} ],
"dataDateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"panels": [ {
"title": "Value",
"percentHeight": 70,
"stockGraphs": [ {
"type": "line",
"id": "g1",
"openField": "open",
"closeField": "close",
"highField": "high",
"lowField": "low",
"valueField": "close",
"lineColor": "#fff",
"fillColors": "#fff",
"negativeLineColor": "#db4c3c",
"negativeFillColors": "#db4c3c",
"fillAlphas": 1,
"comparedGraphLineThickness": 2,
"columnWidth": 0.7,
"useDataSetColors": false,
"comparable": true,
"compareField": "close",
"showBalloon": false,
"proCandlesticks": true
} ],
"stockLegend": {
"valueTextRegular": undefined,
"periodValueTextComparing": "[[percents.value.close]]%"
"title": "Volume",
"percentHeight": 30,
"marginTop": 1,
"columnWidth": 0.6,
"showCategoryAxis": false,
"stockGraphs": [ {
"valueField": "volume",
"openField": "open",
"type": "column",
"showBalloon": false,
"fillAlphas": 1,
"lineColor": "#fff",
"fillColors": "#fff",
"negativeLineColor": "#db4c3c",
"negativeFillColors": "#db4c3c",
"useDataSetColors": false
} ],
"stockLegend": {
"markerType": "none",
"markerSize": 0,
"labelText": "",
"periodValueTextRegular": "[[value.close]]"
"valueAxes": [ {
"usePrefixes": true
} ]
"panelsSettings": {
// "color": "#fff",
"plotAreaFillColors": "#333",
"plotAreaFillAlphas": 1,
"marginLeft": 60,
"marginTop": 5,
"marginBottom": 5
"chartScrollbarSettings": {
"graph": "g1",
"graphType": "line",
"usePeriod": "WW",
"backgroundColor": "#333",
"graphFillColor": "#666",
"graphFillAlpha": 0.5,
"gridColor": "#555",
"gridAlpha": 1,
"selectedBackgroundColor": "#444",
"selectedGraphFillAlpha": 1
"categoryAxesSettings": {
"equalSpacing": true,
"gridColor": "#555",
"gridAlpha": 1
"valueAxesSettings": {
"gridColor": "#555",
"gridAlpha": 1,
"inside": false,
"showLastLabel": true
"chartCursorSettings": {
"pan": true,
"valueLineEnabled": true,
"valueLineBalloonEnabled": true
"legendSettings": {
//"color": "#fff"
"stockEventsSettings": {
"showAt": "high",
"type": "pin"
"balloon": {
"textAlign": "left",
"offsetY": 10
"periodSelector": {
"position": "bottom",
"periods": [ {
"period": "DD",
"count": 10,
"label": "10D",
"selected": true
}, {
"period": "MM",
"count": 1,
"label": "1M"
}, {
"period": "MM",
"count": 6,
"label": "6M"
}, {
"period": "YYYY",
"count": 1,
"label": "1Y"
}, {
"period": "YYYY",
"count": 2,
"label": "2Y"
/* {
"period": "YTD",
"label": "YTD"
"period": "MAX",
"label": "MAX"
} );
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#chartdiv {
width : 100%;
height : 500px;
<script src="https://www.amcharts.com/lib/3/amcharts.js"></script>
<script src="https://www.amcharts.com/lib/3/serial.js"></script>
<script src="https://www.amcharts.com/lib/3/amstock.js"></script>
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<div id="chartdiv"></div>
in your example in "categoryAxesSettings":
change "startOnAxis"
to true
"categoryAxesSettings": {
"equalSpacing": true,
"gridColor": "#555",
"gridAlpha": 1,
"startOnAxis" : true, // add this line
follow this doc: https://docs.amcharts.com/3/javascriptstockchart/CategoryAxis#startOnAxis