I have a query with multiple conditions check. I want to add the condition to check the with like clause. I tried like this.
$params1['email'] =$DB->sql_like('email', '%'.$voucher_query.'%');
and I am passing the params1 value to query condition. I am getting the query as different and it is not working. This is the query I am getting.
SELECT COUNT('x') FROM tbl_order WHERE active_ind = ? AND id = ? AND email = ? [array ( 0 => 1, 1 => 236909, 2 => 'email LIKE %emelchor% COLLATE utf8_bin ESCAPE \'\\\\\'', )]
the email condition is checking with equals to but not with like exactly. Can anyone help me out.?
Thanks in advance
You haven't shown the function call you are doing to retrieve the records, but I'm guessing it looks something like:
$DB->get_records('order', $params);
This simple DB syntax is only suitable for equals comparisons, if you want to do something more complex, you will need to rewrite it to use the get_records_select function instead, e.g.
$select = 'active_ind = :ind AND id = :id AND '.$DB->sql_like('email', ':email');
$email = '%'.$DB->sql_like_escape($voucher_query).'%';
$params = ['ind' => $ind, 'id' => $id, 'email' => $email];
$result = $DB->get_records_select('order', $select, $params);