I have a command/handler that saves an entity to the db, but in my code, it goes through validation first (validation pipeline) using fluentvalidation.
I was able to create a success test to test the handler, but now I would like to make sure the command goes through validation first.
How would I go about doing so? should I be calling the validation independently like i do with my handler? if so how do i do that
here is my code
public async Task CreateCoinCommand_Success()
var context = new Mock<EventsContext>();
var ownersMock = CreateDbSetMock(new List<Owner>());
context.Setup(x => x.Owners).Returns(ownersMock.Object);
var handler = new CreateCoinCommandHandler(context.Object, mapper.Object );
var cmd = new CreateCoinCommand(1, "sym", "name", null, null, null, 1, "description",
null, "https://google.com", null, null, null, new []{1,2});
var cltToken = new System.Threading.CancellationToken();
var result = await handler.Handle(cmd, cltToken);
My validator is called CreateCoinCommandValidator
Yes, in unit test you need to call validator manually
// Arrange
var validator = new CreateCoinCommandValidator();
var cmd = new CreateCoinCommand(1, "sym", "name", null, null, null, 1, "description",
null, "https://google.com", null, null, null, new []{1,2});
// Act
var validationResult = await validator.ValidateAsync(cmd);
// Assert
Also see Default testing extensions