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What does a Coroutine Join do?

So for example I have the following code:

scope.launch {
    val job = launch {


Job.join() is state as such in the documentation:

Suspends coroutine until this job is complete. This invocation resumes normally (without exception) when the job is complete for any reason and the Job of the invoking coroutine is still active. This function also starts the corresponding coroutine if the Job was still in new state.

If I understand it correctly, since join() suspends the coroutine until its completed, then my code above will do exactly what it wants. That is, the method callOnlyWhenJobAboveIsDone() will only be called when doSomethingHere() is finished. Is that correct?

Can anyone explain further the use case for job.join()? Thanks in advance.

Explaining further my usecase:

val storeJobs = ArrayList<Job>()

fun callThisFunctionMultipleTimes() {
    scope.launch {
        val job = launch {


fun callOnlyWhenJobAboveIsDone() {
    // Check if there is still an active job 
    // by iterating through the storedJobs
    // and checking if any is active
    // if no job is active do some other things

is this a valid usecase for job.join()?


  • That is, the method callOnlyWhenJobAboveIsDone() will only be called when doSomethingHere() is finished. Is that correct?


    Can anyone explain further the use case for job.join()?

    In your case there is actually no need for another job, you could just write:

    scope.launch {

    That will do the exact same thing, so it is not really a usecase for a Job. Now there are other cases when .join() is really useful.

    1. You want to run (launch) multiple asynchronous actions in parallel, and wait for all of them to finish:
           .map { Some.asyncAction(it) } // start in parallel
           .forEach { it.join() } // wait for all of them
    1. You have to keep track of an asynchronous state, for example an update:
         var update = Job()
         fun doUpdate() {
            update.cancel() // don't update twice at the same time
            update = launch {

    Now to make sure that the last update was done, for example if you want to use some updated data, you can just:


    anywhere, you can also


    if you want to.

    Whats really useful about launch {} is that it not only returns a Job, but also attaches the Job to the CoroutineScope. Through that you can keep track of every async action happening inside your application. For example in your UI you could make every Element extend the CoroutineScope, then you can just cancel the scope if the Element leaves the rendered area, and all updates / animations in it will get stopped.