I have project created from Boilerplate
I have MySession class that will be used from MvcControllers and WebApi Controllers.
In MySession has two derived classes:
public override string UserId {
get {
return Thread.CurrentPrincipal.Identity.GetUserId();
public override string UserId {
get {
I register both classes:
IocManager.RegisterIfNot<IMySession, MySessionMvc>(DependencyLifeStyle.Singleton, "MyNamespace.MySessionMvc");
IocManager.RegisterIfNot<IMySession, MySessionWebApi>(DependencyLifeStyle.Singleton, "MyNamespace.MySessionWebApi");
Now it is time to tell the which MySession derived class will be used for relevant controller.
A "horrible" solution, inject container to each controller and use it
I see now I can easily inject it to my controller
protected MyBaseController(IWindsorContainer container)
MySession = container.Resolve<IMySession> "MyNamespace.MySessionWebApi");
And at controller level I achieve my goal.
On the other hand I need to tell Auditing interceptor tell same dependency resolve. This interceptor takes UserId info from MySession.
namespace My.Auditing
internal class AuditingInterceptor : IInterceptor
public IMySession MySession { get; set; }
How can I proceed that I can correctly resolve the relevant MySession at interceptor level?
Component.For<MySessionWebApi>().LifestylePerWebRequest(), Component.For<MySessionMvc>().LifestylePerWebRequest(),
Component.For<IMySession>().UsingFactoryMethod((k, c) => this.MySessionFactory(k)).LifestylePerWebRequest().IsDefault());
private IMySession MySessionFactory(IKernel kernel)
if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request == null)
return (IMySession)kernel.Resolve<MySessionMvc>();
if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Path.Contains("/api/"))
return (IMySession)kernel.Resolve<MySessionWebApi>();
return (IMySession)kernel.Resolve<MySessionMvc>();
That's all folks!