I've coded a crossover method for a genetic algorithm (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crossover_(genetic_algorithm)).
The crossover method modifies the private members of the Chromosome class but I pulled it out of Chromosome into a separate pure virtual base class CrossoverStrategy (friend of Chromosome) to keep each crossover method nicely encapsulated in a subclass, i.e. the GoF strategy pattern (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strategy_pattern).
Now the problem is CrossoverStrategy subclasses can't access Chromosome private members because friendship isn't inherited in C++. The only 2 solutions I see are:
1) Add accessor methods to the pure virtual base class e.g. CrossoverStrategy::getGenes() to make Chromosome private members accessible to subclasses. Because CrossoverStrategy can't anticipate all the stuff its subclasses may want to do with Chromosome, I need to expose everything up front. Ugly!
2) Forward declare each CrossoverStrategy subclass and explicitly make it a friend of Chromosome. This feels slightly less ugly, at least keeps the interfaces and code cleaner. I'm leaning towards this option for aesthetics.
Any better design suggestions? Code below.
// Chromosome.h ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
class CrossoverStrategy
virtual std::vector<Chromosome*> crossover(Chromosome *parent1, Chromosome *parent2) = 0;
const std::vector<double> &getGenes(Chromosome *instance) { return instance != NULL ? instance->m_genes : std::vector<double>(); }; // OPTION #1 ... BOO! UGLY!
class CrossoverStrategyExample1; // OPTION #2 ... BOO! UGLY!
class Chromosome
// Friends
friend class CrossoverStrategy;
friend class CrossoverStrategyExample1; // OPTION #2 ... BOO! UGLY!
std::vector<double> m_genes;
// CrossoverStrategies.h ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include "Chromosome.h"
class CrossoverStrategyExample1 : public CrossoverStrategy
virtual std::vector<Chromosome*> crossover(Chromosome *parent1, Chromosome *parent2);
// CrossoverStrategies.cpp ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include "CrossoverStrategies.h"
std::vector<Chromosome*> CrossoverStrategyExample1::crossover(Chromosome *parent1, Chromosome *parent2)
// Do something with Chromosome private members
// PROBLEM ... m_genes not accessible to subclasses? BOO BOO BOO!
(for unsigned long i = 0; i < parent1->m_genes.size(); i++)
parent1->m_genes[i] = 0.0;
Option 2 should be rejected because it does not scale. You will be continually modifying Chromosome
to keep it up to date with new CrossoverStrategies
Option 1 is a strange idea because it places the getter function for Chromosome
's data members outside of Chromosome
. I can see some cases where this is an attractive idea, if getGenes
is made protected, but I'm not convinced here. Consider instead
class Chromosome
const std::vector<double>& getGenes() const
return m_genes;
std::vector<double> m_genes;
Everyone who can access a Chromosome
can access getGenes
, but they can't do anything to damage it and Chromosome
remains blissfully ignorant of its users.
Short and stupid example with a few flaws to keep the demo short
Chromosome.h ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include <vector>
class Chromosome; // forward declaration only
class CrossoverStrategy
virtual ~CrossoverStrategy() = default;
virtual std::vector<Chromosome*> crossover(Chromosome *parent1, Chromosome *parent2) = 0;
Chromosome * ChromosomeFactory(/* some construction parameters here */);
// should also provide a declaration of a factory function to provide CrossoverStrategies
CrossoverStrategies.h ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include "Chromosome.h"
class CrossoverStrategyExample1 : public CrossoverStrategy
virtual std::vector<Chromosome*> crossover(Chromosome *parent1, Chromosome *parent2);
CrossoverStrategies.cpp ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include "CrossoverStrategies.h"
class Chromosome
std::vector<double> m_genes;
// silence a warning
Chromosome(): m_genes{}
// Because Chromosome is only defined in this file, only this file can use the internals
// of Chromosome. They are public, but the outside world doesn't know that
Chromosome * ChromosomeFactory(/* some construction parameters here */)
// Probably makes and returns a pointer to a Chromosome,
// but could pull it from a list, copy construct from a template, etc...
return new Chromosome(/* some construction parameters here */);
// should also provide a definition of a factory function to provide CrossoverStrategies
std::vector<Chromosome*> CrossoverStrategyExample1::crossover(Chromosome *parent1,
Chromosome *parent2)
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < parent1->m_genes.size(); i++)
parent1->m_genes[i] = 0.0;
return std::vector<Chromosome*>{}; // silence a warning
Main.cpp ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
#include "Chromosome.h"
#include "CrossoverStrategies.h" // A bad idea. Forces recompilation when strategies are added
int main()
Chromosome * p1 = ChromosomeFactory(/* some construction parameters here */);
p1->m_genes.push_back(0.0); // will fail to compile (incomplete type)
Chromosome * p2 = ChromosomeFactory(/* some construction parameters here */);
// probably should hide the next line with a factory as well
CrossoverStrategy * strategy = new CrossoverStrategyExample1();
strategy->crossover(p1, p2);
A quick afterword on security. It always comes at a cost. Generally it makes things harder to use. It makes them harder for an attacker, but it also makes things harder for the legitimate users. Whether it's worth it or not is up to you.